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Program Evaluation Services


UCSUR can assist individuals at the University of Pittsburgh and community agencies with their program evaluation needs. We provide assistance in developing and designing evaluation plans, collecting and analyzing data, and writing evaluation reports. Depending on the focus of the project, these services can be provided by the Survey Research Program, Qualitative Data Analysis Program, Urban and Regional Analysis Program, or Gerontology Program.

UCSUR's interdisciplinary staff members have evaluation experience in a wide range of content areas, including social service programs, behavioral and mental health services, public health programs, and educational services. UCSUR has conducted evaluations on family support, home visiting, after-school and youth development, conflict resolution, developmental disabilities, maternal and child health, fatherhood, and parent education programs, among many others.

In addition, UCSUR has expertise in developing and implementing management information systems and needs assessments. UCSUR provides training and technical assistance to increase the capacity of staff to carry out evaluations, either independently or in collaboration with program evaluation specialists.

Specific evaluation services offered include:

  • development of evaluation designs, including process and outcome evaluations;
  • assistance with program design, focusing on connecting program activities to expected outcomes (program logic models);
  • needs assessments;
  • selection of appropriate outcomes and measurement methods;
  • identification of assessment instruments;
  • development of surveys for program evaluation;
  • data analysis consultation and research design; and
  • referral to evaluation consultants with expertise in specific content areas.

Program Evaluation
The mission of the University Center for Social and Urban Research (UCSUR) is to work collaboratively to conduct interdisciplinary research that improves communities and addresses social, economic, health, and policy issues most relevant to society. UCSUR carries out this mission by providing research support infrastructure and training; conducting original research in a few focused areas, including urban impact analysis, survey methodology, and psychosocial aspects of aging; and enhancing access to local and national policy-relevant data

University Center for Social & Urban Research
3343 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15260   ·   412-624-5442